
Chatbot Services

Drive customer conversational engagements to new heights.

Conversational AI (Chatbots) represents a revolutionary approach offering enterprises a powerful interface to communicate with their stake-holders like target audience, vendors and internal resources.

Chatbots integrate automated conversations and user intent to dictate the tasks and processes which have to be completed to fulfil the user intent. Chatbots require a high degree of flexibility and versatility in orchestrating the right tasks.

Conversational AI is segmented into different interfaces. Here are the different chatbots solutions we offer to suit your enterprise requirements-

  • Service Bots: Service Bots help to automate simple tasks, service requests or answer faqs. Service bots are customer-facing resolving queries without letting them escalate.
  • Journey Bots: These bots form an essential part of a customer’s experience journey like helping them to file an insurance claim or resolving complaints. The journey bots are guides helping customers through specific workflows, undertaking particular tasks to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Automation Bots: Automation Bots help to automate rule-based, repetitive tasks like billing, renewals and appointment settings.
  • Campaign Bots: These bots are essentially used for marketing purposes, like executing market campaigns and promotional activities.
  • Employee Bots: Employe bots are engagement bots helping employees with day-to-day operational tasks like providing an automated response of leave application or IT help desk operations.

Customer support enhancement

With the advanced capabilities of conversational AI, provide better support to the user.

  • Natural Language Processing.
  • Natural Language Understanding.
  • Natural Language Generation.

Mundane Task

Repetitive tasks automation with enhanced efficiency.

  • Process automation.
  • Feedback management.
  • Generic response processor.


Real-time data management and responsive replies for higher engagement.

  • Strategic and logical responses.
  • Precise fact lookouts.
  • Efficient user management.